Thursday, September 27, 2007

Something Sequenced (With Spray Painted Hair) This Way Comes

A big purple moustache kiss goes to Grape Juice Plus: not only for naming his blog from my favorite Cupid Car Club track, but also his hulking ability to spin our heads around towards the mightly Dandi Wind and her guitar-drenched dance anthems. Personally, I'm partial to Searching Flesh which, due to excessive head-banging, has necessitated the need for a neck brace. Please be advised, Ms. Wind, I'm sending the doctor bill to you. Never mind--how can I stay mad at someone wearing quilting scraps on her head?


guanoboy said...

Eh? Thanks for the gorgeous link, my blog is so neglected lately...maybe I'll just pretend to be you from now on out.

Nice spot of work here, by the way, How did I miss discovering your site? Looks like we started around the same time...


Disco:Very said...

I actually stumbled upon your blog ages ago and forgot to bookmark it, which meant I wasn't going to visit it again until someone (Underneathica) offered it as a link. You have good taste in music, so I'm sure I'll be visiting more often from now on.